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Lugawiyyat, adalah Jurnal pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang dipublikasikan oleh PKPBA (Program Khusus Pengembangan Bahasa Arab) di bawah Pusat Pengembangan Bahasa Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Jurnal Lugawiyyat memuat artikel hasil penelitian atau kajian pustaka yang fokus dalam bidang pembelajaran bahasa Arab, dan terbit reguler dua kali dalam setahun (bulan Mei dan November).
Articles 10 Documents
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Fa’aaliyyah Tathbiiq al-Wasaail al-Sam’iyyah al-Syafahiyyah li Tarqiyyah Mahaarah al-Kalam lada Thullaab Madrasah As’ad al-Mutawassithah al-Islaamiyyah bi Madinah Jambi Arnindio Maulidika Yurman; Badrul Islam; Uril Bahruddin
Lugawiyyat Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Lugawiyyat
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/lg.v5i1.20503


Teaching aids have an important role in achieving educational goals, but teachers and students face problems in applying educational aids because of machine challenges. In order to create effective learning, teachers need to use teaching aids that can capture students' interest so that students can immediately gain meaning during the learning process. The aim of this research is to find out the effectiveness of applying audio and verbal means to improve the speaking skill of the students of Asaad Intermediate Islamic School in Jambi. As for the entrance to this research, it is quantitative research with the type of objective statistics, and the method used is experimental research and data collection and analysis using the Phi coefficient using random testing, homogeneity testing, and normality testing. Based on calculations using a t-test done like this 0,05 8 0,40 So Ha received, this means that there is a significant difference between the speech skills of students who use auditory-verbal aids and those who do not use auditory-verbal aids. The conclusion of this research indicates that audio-oral means are necessary in promoting speaking skill.
Peran Language Immersion Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Nurul Hikmah
Lugawiyyat Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Lugawiyyat
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/lg.v5i1.18060


Language Immersion (LI) Is a useful program for second language learning, Second language is a medium for learning all subject matter and some activities in the classroom and also outside the classroom, The language is immersed by students anytime and under any circumstances by listening, speaking, reading, writing, and culture as well. Language Immersion in this study focused on Arabic. Language Immersion In learning Arabic is very important to foster a sense of love for students towards Arabic, Language Immersion Is where a student can prioritize Arabic habituation before understanding the rules of Arabic, Students first know early about language behavior before knowing the grammar to be learned afterwards, Students who do this Language immersion will be able to become good pronunciations of the language as well as This research is a descriptive research analysis where researchers collect all scientific material from original sources then read it and translate it, classify it and compile it into their own writing. What is the importance of the immersion linguistics program in learning Arabic for non-native speakers and 2.What is the Language immersion program. The result of this study is that the Language immersion program is very important in teaching foreign languages and this program has a great position among other foreign language learning programs. This program has the privilege of teaching languages quickly and fluently.
Ta’tsiir Thoriiqah Murabba’ al-Kalimaat fii Tarqiyyah Mufrodaat al-Lughah al-Arabiyyah lada Thullaab al-Shaff al-Tsaamin bi Madrasah Salafiyyah al-Rahmah al-Mutawashithah al-Islaamiyyah Bonder li al-Sanah al-Diraasiyyah 2020-2021 Baiq Laili Rahmawati; Baiq Rozalina Deswari; Wirawan Jamhuri
Lugawiyyat Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Lugawiyyat
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/lg.v5i1.18545


This research departs from the need for good Arabic language learning with good methods. One method that can be used is the word square method which provides opportunities for students to build their knowledge more actively and creatively, especially in mufrodat learning. This research is research that uses a quantitative approach with a pre-experimental type, namely the pretest-posttest design which aims to determine the effect and extent of the influence of the word square method in improving the Arabic mufradat of class VIII students at MTs Ar-Rohmah Bonder, Central Lombok, NTB. Data collection techniques in research using questionnaires and tests then the results of the two instruments were analyzed using the t-test with the help of SPSS, while the steps taken in data analysis were: validity, reliability, questionnaire data analysis, hypothesis testing, analysis of learning outcomes hypothesis testing. Based on the results of data analysis, the researcher found that there was an effect of the word square method in increasing the mufradat of class VIII students of MTs Ar-Rahmah Bonder, Central Lombok, NTB, which indicated that there had been an increase in the average student learning score from 46.00 to 79.60. It is shown in the related table for the sample t that the value of sig. (2-tail) In the data obtained learning outcomes of 0.000, which is less than 0.05, it can be concluded that the hypothesis Ha from research related to learning outcomes can be accepted and H0 is rejected.
Al-Qolaq ‘Inda Mahaarah al-Qiraa’ah lada Thalabah al-Ma’had al-Ulya bi al-Madrasah al-Tsaanawiyyah al-Islaamiyyah al-Hukuumiyyah Batu min Mandzuur Nadzariyyah Sigmund Freud Salwa Qozziyatul Mardhiyah; Laily Fitriani
Lugawiyyat Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Lugawiyyat
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/lg.v5i1.20168


Reading skills are one of the important skills that must be possessed by an individual to be skilled in the language. Because language skills have implications for an individual's ability to compete in the international arena in the aspects of scientific communication, economic transactions, and global negotiations. However, in realizing reading skills in an individual, anxiety is found as a problem that has the potential to hinder and complicate it. This paper aims to: 1) Describe the Arabic reading skills of students in Ma'had Al Ulya; 2) Describe the anxiety experienced by students in Ma'had Al Ulya about Arabic reading skills based on Sigmund Freud's perspective. The method used is a descriptive qualitative research method with a case study design. Sources of data in this study were students in Ma'had Al Ulya who experienced anxiety in Arabic reading skills. The researcher as a research instrument uses data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation as well as Miles and Huberman's descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed that: 1) The reading skills of students in Ma'had Al Ulya are the initial reading skills, where an individual can be literate in Arabic reading but has not yet reached the ability to understand the content of the reading (discourse literacy); 2) Anxiety was found in the initial reading skills by students in Ma'had Al Ulya which included reality anxiety, neurotic anxiety and moral anxiety towards Arabic reading. This anxiety is classified by Sigmund Freud as a condition of one's feelings related to concern, anxiety, uncertainty, or fear of facing reality.
Tahliil Mawaad al-Tadriibaat wa Ikhtibaraat Mahaarah al-Istimaa’ fii Ta’liim al-Lughah al-Arabiyah bi al-Madrasah al-Ibtidaaiyyah Achmad Fandi Bastian; Muhammad Mubasysyir Munir
Lugawiyyat Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Lugawiyyat
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/lg.v5i1.20185


Basic language skills include four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Listening is one of the four language abilities taught in elementary schools. However, Arabic textbooks in elementary schools using K13 have not been maximized in providing part of the training materials in listening skills. This paper attempts to explore the materials for listening skills exercises and tests in the textbook using K13 in elementary schools. The purpose of the study was to describe the exercises and tests of listening skills in the textbook. The methodology used in this study is qualitative research methodology with content analysis, and the data sources are the textbook using K13 in elementary school. The results of this study showed that the Arabic language material practiced by the listening skill in this book is insufficient and does not yet represent the purpose of teaching the listening skill specifically, as it was the purpose of teaching the communicative Arabic language announced in generallaw. The materials for the Arabic listening skills tests in this book are not well prepared, they are not written within the book, and the test is conducted by the teacher on his initiative and needs
Peran Language Immersion Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Nurul Hikmah
Lugawiyyat Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Lugawiyyat
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/lg.v5i1.18060


Language Immersion (LI) Is a useful program for second language learning, Second language is a medium for learning all subject matter and some activities in the classroom and also outside the classroom, The language is immersed by students anytime and under any circumstances by listening, speaking, reading, writing, and culture as well. Language Immersion in this study focused on Arabic. Language Immersion In learning Arabic is very important to foster a sense of love for students towards Arabic, Language Immersion Is where a student can prioritize Arabic habituation before understanding the rules of Arabic, Students first know early about language behavior before knowing the grammar to be learned afterwards, Students who do this Language immersion will be able to become good pronunciations of the language as well as This research is a descriptive research analysis where researchers collect all scientific material from original sources then read it and translate it, classify it and compile it into their own writing. What is the importance of the immersion linguistics program in learning Arabic for non-native speakers and 2.What is the Language immersion program. The result of this study is that the Language immersion program is very important in teaching foreign languages and this program has a great position among other foreign language learning programs. This program has the privilege of teaching languages quickly and fluently.
Ta’tsiir Thoriiqah Murabba’ al-Kalimaat fii Tarqiyyah Mufrodaat al-Lughah al-Arabiyyah lada Thullaab al-Shaff al-Tsaamin bi Madrasah Salafiyyah al-Rahmah al-Mutawashithah al-Islaamiyyah Bonder li al-Sanah al-Diraasiyyah 2020-2021 Baiq Laili Rahmawati; Baiq Rozalina Deswari; Wirawan Jamhuri
Lugawiyyat Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Lugawiyyat
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/lg.v5i1.18545


This research departs from the need for good Arabic language learning with good methods. One method that can be used is the word square method which provides opportunities for students to build their knowledge more actively and creatively, especially in mufrodat learning. This research is research that uses a quantitative approach with a pre-experimental type, namely the pretest-posttest design which aims to determine the effect and extent of the influence of the word square method in improving the Arabic mufradat of class VIII students at MTs Ar-Rohmah Bonder, Central Lombok, NTB. Data collection techniques in research using questionnaires and tests then the results of the two instruments were analyzed using the t-test with the help of SPSS, while the steps taken in data analysis were: validity, reliability, questionnaire data analysis, hypothesis testing, analysis of learning outcomes hypothesis testing. Based on the results of data analysis, the researcher found that there was an effect of the word square method in increasing the mufradat of class VIII students of MTs Ar-Rahmah Bonder, Central Lombok, NTB, which indicated that there had been an increase in the average student learning score from 46.00 to 79.60. It is shown in the related table for the sample t that the value of sig. (2-tail) In the data obtained learning outcomes of 0.000, which is less than 0.05, it can be concluded that the hypothesis Ha from research related to learning outcomes can be accepted and H0 is rejected.
Al-Qolaq ‘Inda Mahaarah al-Qiraa’ah lada Thalabah al-Ma’had al-Ulya bi al-Madrasah al-Tsaanawiyyah al-Islaamiyyah al-Hukuumiyyah Batu min Mandzuur Nadzariyyah Sigmund Freud Salwa Qozziyatul Mardhiyah; Laily Fitriani
Lugawiyyat Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Lugawiyyat
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/lg.v5i1.20168


Reading skills are one of the important skills that must be possessed by an individual to be skilled in the language. Because language skills have implications for an individual's ability to compete in the international arena in the aspects of scientific communication, economic transactions, and global negotiations. However, in realizing reading skills in an individual, anxiety is found as a problem that has the potential to hinder and complicate it. This paper aims to: 1) Describe the Arabic reading skills of students in Ma'had Al Ulya; 2) Describe the anxiety experienced by students in Ma'had Al Ulya about Arabic reading skills based on Sigmund Freud's perspective. The method used is a descriptive qualitative research method with a case study design. Sources of data in this study were students in Ma'had Al Ulya who experienced anxiety in Arabic reading skills. The researcher as a research instrument uses data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation as well as Miles and Huberman's descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed that: 1) The reading skills of students in Ma'had Al Ulya are the initial reading skills, where an individual can be literate in Arabic reading but has not yet reached the ability to understand the content of the reading (discourse literacy); 2) Anxiety was found in the initial reading skills by students in Ma'had Al Ulya which included reality anxiety, neurotic anxiety and moral anxiety towards Arabic reading. This anxiety is classified by Sigmund Freud as a condition of one's feelings related to concern, anxiety, uncertainty, or fear of facing reality.
Tahliil Mawaad al-Tadriibaat wa Ikhtibaraat Mahaarah al-Istimaa’ fii Ta’liim al-Lughah al-Arabiyah bi al-Madrasah al-Ibtidaaiyyah Achmad Fandi Bastian; Muhammad Mubasysyir Munir
Lugawiyyat Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Lugawiyyat
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/lg.v5i1.20185


Basic language skills include four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Listening is one of the four language abilities taught in elementary schools. However, Arabic textbooks in elementary schools using K13 have not been maximized in providing part of the training materials in listening skills. This paper attempts to explore the materials for listening skills exercises and tests in the textbook using K13 in elementary schools. The purpose of the study was to describe the exercises and tests of listening skills in the textbook. The methodology used in this study is qualitative research methodology with content analysis, and the data sources are the textbook using K13 in elementary school. The results of this study showed that the Arabic language material practiced by the listening skill in this book is insufficient and does not yet represent the purpose of teaching the listening skill specifically, as it was the purpose of teaching the communicative Arabic language announced in generallaw. The materials for the Arabic listening skills tests in this book are not well prepared, they are not written within the book, and the test is conducted by the teacher on his initiative and needs
Fa’aaliyyah Tathbiiq al-Wasaail al-Sam’iyyah al-Syafahiyyah li Tarqiyyah Mahaarah al-Kalam lada Thullaab Madrasah As’ad al-Mutawassithah al-Islaamiyyah bi Madinah Jambi Arnindio Maulidika Yurman; Badrul Islam; Uril Bahruddin
Lugawiyyat Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Lugawiyyat
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/lg.v5i1.20503


Teaching aids have an important role in achieving educational goals, but teachers and students face problems in applying educational aids because of machine challenges. In order to create effective learning, teachers need to use teaching aids that can capture students' interest so that students can immediately gain meaning during the learning process. The aim of this research is to find out the effectiveness of applying audio and verbal means to improve the speaking skill of the students of Asaad Intermediate Islamic School in Jambi. As for the entrance to this research, it is quantitative research with the type of objective statistics, and the method used is experimental research and data collection and analysis using the Phi coefficient using random testing, homogeneity testing, and normality testing. Based on calculations using a t-test done like this 0,05 8 0,40 So Ha received, this means that there is a significant difference between the speech skills of students who use auditory-verbal aids and those who do not use auditory-verbal aids. The conclusion of this research indicates that audio-oral means are necessary in promoting speaking skill.

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